Pickleball Tournaments in San Carlos, Sonora Mexico
We hold several tournaments throughout the year: from fun round-robins to the competitive international Sombrero Showdown. Mark your Calendars!
2025 San Carlos Pickleball Tournament Schedule:
Get ready for an exciting season ahead!
Our 2025 tournament calendar is now available, and we’ve got some fantastic events lined up for you.
Mark your calendars, bring your friends to San Carlos, and prepare for an unforgettable season of pickleball at San Carlos Pickleball Club. Stay tuned for more details.
Our 2025 season is shaping up to be one of the most action-packed yet, with fantastic events just around the corner. Be sure to mark your calendars and rally your friends to join us in San Carlos for these upcoming tournaments.
Get ready for another exciting Team-Style Tournament, March 14 – 16, 2025
Back by popular demand, it’s the Grandes Ligas de Pickleball Tournament!
This is a team-based event — no need to select a partner. It’s for all ages and all skill sets. The teams will be divided evenly (2 men, 2 women — where possible) and you will play against other teams at your level. Your captain will help with logistics. We play rally scoring. Each player is guaranteed a minimum of 8 games (4 matches).
Cost: 650 pesos for Members or 750 pesos for non-members
Location: San Carlos Pickleball Club
PAST Tournaments
Tournament Week – February 2025
We invite you to join us for Pickleball in San Carlos from February 6-9. Our theme for the week is “Amigos Crossing Borders“, celebrating the friendship between Mexico, Canada, and the United States right here in San Carlos.
We look forward to seeing you in San Carlos for a week of fun, competition, and camaraderie! Let’s make this a memorable time together, with plenty of pickleball and celebrations, while also making a community impact.
During the week of the event, as a club, we will donate 3 pickleball courts to vulnerable communities through our social program, “Pickleball for All & Grandes Niños Pickleball.”
Itinerary for the Week:
Amigos Cup, February 6. Our beloved event is back! A friendly mixed doubles tournament—organizers will make pairs and brackets based on skill level. A toast will be included for the winners. 9:00am -1:00pm (there will be 2-2.5 hours of play). Toast then awards
Cost for member: $350 pesos
Non members: $450pesos
*Includes a souvenir
February 7: Icebreaker Party at the courts 5:00-8:00pm (for both events). Warm up or Rest day—you choose. FIESTA 5:00pm-9:00pm Team Reveal and Party at the courts with live music (for both events) open to friends and family.
GLP Cross Borders, February 8 – 9: our famous team-style tournament. You’ll be playing both days with Awards Ceremonyon the 9th.
Round Robin Saturday, February 8th:
8:30am warm up and registration
9:00 am to 4 pm Team matches round robin (4 to 6 hours scheduled play time per day per player)
Championship Sunday, February 9th:
9:00am to 4:00pm Team matches finish round robin and finals(4 to 6 hours scheduled play time per day per player)
Cost for members: $650 pesos
Cost for non members: $750 pesos
*Includes a souvenir
Register here
Players who register for the 2 events get a commemorative t-shirt of the week “Amigos Crossing Borders” Celebrating Mexico, Canada, and the United States. If you are only participating in one event and wish to have t-shirt let us know and we will have some extra on sale for $350.
January 10 – 12, 2025 GLP Tournament Weekend
Get ready for our first exciting GLP Team-Style Tournament of 2025!
Back by popular demand, it’s the Grandes Ligas de Pickleball Team Style Weekend Tournament!
📅 January 10 – 12 GLP Tournament Weekend
🎟 Cost: 500 MXN For non members, 400 MXN for Members
🎁 Register before Jan 5th and receive a surprise souvenir with your entry
📍Location: San Carlos Pickleball Club
This is a team-based event — you don’t need to make your own team. The organizing committee will make the teams or a draft will be held. It’s an event for all ages and all skill sets. The teams will be divided evenly (2 men, 2 women — where possible) and you will play against other teams at your level. Your captain will help with logistics. We play rally scoring. Each player is guaranteed a minimum of 8 games (4 matches). This weekend promises to be action-packed and fun! It’s a super exciting and unique team experience.
Torneo Open – by Match Point
November 1 – 3, 2024
Match Point invites you to participate in the TORNEO OPEN EDICIÓN 2, happening at the San Carlos Pickleball Club from November 1 – 3, 2024.
This is your chance to showcase your skills and compete with players from all over Mexico, USA and Canada for a Prize Pool of $80,000 pesos for Open and $48,000 pesos for the general divisions. All on your home courts.
For registration click here, but if you have any questions you can WhatsApp Belem Garcia at +52 622-142-4821.
April 26 – 27, 2024: GLP Weekend:
Date: Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27
Time: Friday we will start at 6:00pm and on Saturday at 5:00pm
All players will be drafted to a team during the Friday Night Live Draft PartyThe first 50 people to register for the tournament will receive a complimentary tournament T-shirt!
We are also introducing two age categories: one for players over 50 and another for those under 50.
All players will be drafted to a team by a Captain and your team will be revealed during the Friday Night Team Reveal Party. Teams consist of four players (players will register as individuals) and all teams will play a round robin, followed by play-offs.
4 matches totaling roughly 10 full games on average.
The cost is 400 pesos for members and 500 pesos for nonmembers.
St. Patrick’s End of Season Pickleball Bash “Amigo Style”
Date: March 17, from 8:00am – 2:00pm
Format: The San Carlos Pickleball Club will be hosting a Competitive Skill-based Round Robin Tournament
5 games guaranteed (2 hours play)
Team Cabbage vs. Team Corned Beef
Register on Court Reserve by Skill Level: 3.0, 3.5, 3.75, 4.0, 4.5
No partner needed: Mixed partners will be paired by TD (or if needed, gender partners)
Cost: 400 pesos for members and 500 pesos for nonmembers. Please pay in pesos when you arrive at the courts to check-in.
Registration closes: March14
Questions: If you have any questions, you can contact the Tournament Directors:
* email Theresa (“T”) at theresamelius23@gmail.com or
* WhatsApp Debbie at 1 (970) 318-1409
Tequila Toast to the Winning Team around 1:30pm
Come ready to play hard and party harder!!!
Dink in the New Year Tournament, January 31 & February 1
Want to start your New Year off right? The San Carlos Pickleball Club will be
hosting a Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles Tournament on Wednesday, January 31 and Thursday, February 1.
Highlights of the Tournament
- Men’s and Women’s brackets will play on January 31 and Mixed plays on February 1.
- This will be a regular bracket format with a consolation drop down bracket. Each team is guaranteed two matches minimum. For brackets with less than 5 teams, a round robin will be played.
- All winner bracket games will be the best two out of three games to eleven points. Consolation games will play to 15 points, win by two.
- Medals will be given to First, Second and Third place finishers.
Cost: $200 MXN per person — that covers both doubles and mixed doubles (if you choose to only play on one day, the cost is the same, 200 pesos).
Registration: On Tuesday, January 9, the registration will open in Court Reserve. Sign up for either the Intermediate level or Advanced level. The Tournament Director has the right to place teams in the most advantageous bracket if you are not sure of your skill level. Registration closes on Sunday, January 28.
If you need a partner or have any questions, please email T at: theresamelius23@gmail.com
Feb 16 – 18, 2024: GLP Weekend
All players will be drafted to a team during the Friday Night Live Draft Party
- 9:00am: Check-in/Warm up
- 10:00am – 3pm: matches
- 5:00pm: Dinner at Sponsor Restaurant (Cost not included in Registration)
- 9:00am: Check-in/Warm up
- 10:00am – 3pm: matches
- 5:00pm: Awards Ceremony at Marvida
4 Total Matches totaling roughly 10 full games on average.
The cost is 400 pesos for members and 500 pesos for nonmembers.
Dec 15 – 17, 2023 – GLP Weekend:
Join the excitement on the courts! You’re invited to our thrilling GLP Tournament on Saturday, December 16th. This event is for everyone and is a fun team-style tournament modeled after the format and rules of Major League Pickleball.
Teams consist of four players (players can register as individuals or as teams) and all teams will play a round robin, followed by play-offs. There is no gender requirement, although we will do our best to create the most balanced teams in each of the divisions. The event is a one-day event on Saturday and your team will play a minimum of 5 matches.
Grab your paddle, rally with the best, and let the games begin!
Nov 10 – 11, 2023 – DUPR San Carlos GLP:
The 2023 Latin American Pickleball Games presented by DUPR at San Carlos Pickleball Club.
Oct 20 – 22, 2023 – Grandes Ligas de Pickleball (GLP) Weekend: .
DUPR San Carlos GLP Invitational: Sept 8 & 9, 2023
Join us on September 8 & 9 for the first ever DUPR SAN CARLOS GLP INVITATIONAL!
Grandes Ligas de Pickleball is the Mexican equivalent to Major League Pickleball which is a team-style format. For this event we encourage you to make your own team and compete in the division of your choice for more than 30.000 MXN in prizes.
This event, co-hosted by DUPR and San Carlos Pickleball and organized by GLP, will serve as a tie-in for the Latin American Games, scheduled for November in San Carlos.
Please go to www.pickleballtorneos.com to sign up now and to check out the other scheduled events!
Early bird fee: $500 MXN. (Early bird registration ends on August 26th)
Regular fee: $600MXN (Starts on August 27th)
Valentines Day Blind Date Round Robin: Feb 14, 2023
A fun format that hasn’t been done in San Carlos. Don’t worry, you don’t need a partner. You will be paired up with similar skilled players in a grouping of 10 players: 5 men and 5 women. Once you have met your “date” you will play the entire Round Robin with that person. We will play one game to 21 — regular scoring with a record kept of wins/losses. You will play a minimum of 4 games in this format.
When: Tuesday, February 14 at the San Carlos Pickleball Club. Check-in will begin at 8:15am and play begins at 9:00am.
Sign Up: Please email T at theresamelius23@gmail.com. In the email, list your full name, a phone number and your email address and what you think your skill level is. We would encourage all levels of players to join in for a fun day on the courts. We are looking at levels of 3.0-3.49; 3.5-3.99; 4.0-4.5+
Grandes Ligas de Pickleball Tournament, Feb 24 – 26
The Next GLP 3 day Tournament will be February 24 – 26 at the San Carlos Pickleball Club. Guapos are going down!
Each player is guaranteed 4 matches (8 games) plus the Round Robin on Friday.
Cost: $1000 MXN
Grand Opening Tournament, March 24 – 26, 2023
February: Beginner Round Robin Pickleball Tournament
Come join us for a Fun Round Robin Tournament on Friday, February 25 at Mirador Courts.
This will be for beginning to low intermediate skill level players (2.5 – 3.4 skill level). Don’t worry if you’ve never played in a tournament before – this will be a great way to learn how fun they are.
Take this opportunity to enjoy friends, fun and a bit of competition. You do not need a partner to play in this round robin.
Play will be in the morning. T will email players with their exact start time.
If you would like to play, please email T at theresamelius23@gmail.com. Deadline for sign up is February 22, 2022. If you have questions please email T.
Hope you all take advantage of a fun day of pickleball. See you on the courts.
January: Winter Double Header Tournament
Friday – Sunday, January 21 – 23, 9am – 5pm.
We will have multiple skill level brackets with 4.0+ skill level being over age 50. Sign up with your partner and battle it out through the double elimination bracket.
Skill / Age tournament. Play in Men’s or Women’s and Mixed with your partner(s). This tournament is open to everyone who pays the entrance fee. There will be a discount for 1 or 5 year Seasonal Members.
January 15 & 16, Open Level – Open Division 4.0+
January 15 & 16 will be an open level, no division round robin tournament. Sign up with any partner and play against all the teams in your pool. Results from pool play will carry over to Sunday for creating an Open, A, and B level double elimination bracket. 24 teams maximum.
January. Invierno Invitational
Format: Classic Competitive Double Elimination Brackets within Skill level groups.
- Men’s/Women’s Ultra Competitive, Skill level 4.0 and higher. Saturday, January 30: 9:00am start
- Men’s/Women’s Recreational Competitive, Skill level 3.5 and below. Saturday, January 30: 1:00pm start
- Mixed Ultra Competitive, Skill level 4.0 and higher. Sunday, January 31: 9:00am start
- Mixed Recreational Competitive, Skill level 3.5 and below. Sunday, January 31: 1:00pm start
Cost: Mirador Court Members: Free, Non-Members: 500 pesos / $25 USD
Tournament Director: James Main, destinationpickleball@yahoo.com
December. Christmas Round Robin Tournament
Sunday, December 12, 9am – 12pm. All levels, round robin. You will not need a partner for this tournament. This will be a Members only tournament (1 or 5 year Seasonal Members). No cost to members.
November. Welcome Back Tournament
Join us on Saturday, November 13 at 8:00am for a friendly round robin Welcome Back pickleball tournament.
Sign up as an individual for fun round robin play, food and drink, entertainment, and exciting news about our new facility.
Email Theresa at theresamelius23@gmail.com to reserve your spot.
Members only (1 or 5 year Seasonal Members). No cost to members.
October. Halloween Otoño Tournament
The Halloween Otoño Tournament is open to all levels.
Play with one partner on both days (m/m, w/w, m/w — it doesn’t matter).
On Saturday, you’ll play Round Robin Pool Play with your partner and on Sunday there will be a Tournament Bracket seeded by the results from the previous day.
The cost is $25 USD for members (1 or 5 year Seasonal Members) and $50 USD per person for non-members, including players with a monthly or weekly pass.
All participants will receive a shirt and division winners will get a medal.
Participation is limited to 24 teams so sign up today. If you need more information, email James at destinationpickleball@yahoo.com.
You are sure to have a ghoulishly good time!
Check in on both days at 8:30am. Play starts at 9:00am.
The games on October 31 will be streamed live on our Facebook page.
Watch an awesome video of the 2018 Sombrero Showdown