Quick Update
Re Mirador:
We’re are still working on finding a resolution with the newly formed Mirador HOA. Tomorrow, the courts will again remain closed.
We talked with the President of the HOA today and have another meeting tomorrow.
They want us to pay for a new expensive gate that they want for their entry.
The cost for the gate that they want is $155,324 pesos (which is about $7,891 USD). They say that we could then play there until March.
We feel that this is not a good use of the Club’s money. It’s been a lot of work to raise funds to build the new courts. We would rather spend the $7,891 on the new courts.
We’re talking to the HOA to see if they’ll accept a lower monthly fee. We have offered $600 USD per month with a 4 month guarantee.
We will keep you updated as negotiations progress.
Re New Courts:
Regarding the new courts, we paid the builder from Mexico City (Proyectos) 60% of the total fee to start the project. The next payment is due when 8 courts are complete.
At the current state of 7 courts being partially complete, they asked for more money. They also took the crew home because they didn’t want to work on the next 7 until the wall was finished (we didn’t agree with this strategy, but it wasn’t our big issue – the extra money was).
This happened the first week of October. Before it happened, we were still optimistic about meeting our early November goal of opening the first 7 courts.
We’ve been in talks with Proyectos and tomorrow they are supposed to send us a new timeline and proposed payment plan. We’ll share that with you as soon as we have it.
In the mean time, we’ve been working with an architect on the buildings and have obtained the necessary permits from Guaymas.
By the way, the wall looks fantastic!